**Fundraise with tea4support.com — Ideal for Cash Strapped Schools**
December 25, 2012
Fundraising in the New Year can be easy with Tea4Support.com
Working with organizations, in particular school, Whisk and Spoon was surprised how much schools counted on the PTA to support essential programs for its students—it’s intimidating by the amount of money needed for each class. This year, we’ve created new teas for an exciting new fundraiser – Tea4support. Working with tea4support will help your organization avoid the dreaded Fundraising Fatigue.

Tea4Support can offer something more compelling and meaningful to your organization’s community!
Offering something more interesting and creative—something that parents would buy eagerly, not just out of a sense of duty, and that their friends and family would be thrilled to receive as gifts? It should be useful, easy, personalized to reflect the unique personality of each supporter—and definitely delicious, so you’ll want more!
Tea4support is a creative, community-based alternative to the usual school fundraiser. Teas are for the conscious consumer, products that advance the values parents strive to instill in their children. The tea4support selection of teas are healthy, good for you, and taste delicious. They support local communities while creating jobs in Pennsylvania!
Tea4support fundraising can provide the same kind of opportunity for the parents who choose to use this company. By banding together to support education programs beyond our own schools, communities can help even more kids at a time when budget cuts and deficits make this kind of assistance more important than ever in todays’s economy.
For this reason, Tea4support Fundraising applies part of its proceeds (beyond the money you raise for your own fundraiser) to help less fortunate U.S. communities. Right now and the near future Tea4support will be supporting SANDY relief projects
With tea4support.com up and running, nothing gives our company, Whisk and Spoon, greater pleasure than helping cash-strapped schools provide a rich education without compromises for every student. We hope you’ll join Tea4Support and make every fundraiser unique and memorable for your students, your family and friends, and your entire school community.Fundraising with Tea4support.com